Eco-responsible, environmental and ethical charter of the project

V.1-1 of 21/12/2020

At, respect for the environment is not limited to the attention paid to raw materials, the manufacturing of our products and the ecological approaches of our suppliers. Every day, in every respect, we strive to respect nature and give back to it what it gives us by reducing our ecological footprint as much as possible.

Objective 1 : Set up eco-responsible means of communication

Communication is one of the main vectors for the success of a project; a vector for making it known and, above all, for promoting it.  Dematerialising and rethinking the means of communication in order to reduce the use of paper and to use more environmentally friendly materials is a prerequisite for completing the eco-responsible approach.

Optimising the sending of e-mails

    • Limit the sending of e-mails and target the people concerned;
    • Give priority to an email with several pieces of information and limit over-sending in a general way (one email = 20 grams of CO2!);
    • Reduce and compress the size of the images sent;
    • Integrate the following message at the bottom of the signature of the mailboxes: “Please consider the environment before printing this email .eco”.

Dematerialize communication

    • Communicate via the internet (websites, blogs, social networks), SMS to send newsletters, information, etc. ;
    • Limit posters and do not display on street furniture or facades.

Communicate in an eco-responsible way when the dematerialization of the message is not available or accessible.

    • Use recycled or eco-labelled paper, of standard size to avoid waste, and of a quality suitable for the use, etc. ;
    • Print on both sides of the paper, without ink consuming solids, using vegetable-based inks, and use a printer with an environmental label;
    • Use eco-designed and reusable signage;
    • Develop means of advertising without dates or temporary space-time markers to encourage their reuse.

Objective 2 : Reduce, sort and recycle waste

More than 10 million tonnes of waste are dumped into the ocean every year, 80% of which is of land-based origin. The vast majority of this waste consists of plastic from our irresponsible and nomadic modes of consumption: cigarette butts, plastic bags, bottles, food packaging, etc.

Reducing waste production at source

    • Use reusable/(domestically) compostable/ recyclable crockery: for plates, cups, cutlery, dishes and others, thus limiting the use of single-use plastic ;
    • Limit the production of packaging, encourage bulk sales, favour large formats, limit over-packaging for food and marketing purposes, etc.

Sorting waste

    • Set up a waste collection and sorting system: install a large number of selective sorting bins (organic/recyclable/residual/hazardous waste) and ensure that they are collected regularly to avoid the accumulation of waste, provide battery collection points, deposit systems, etc. ;
    • Set up ashtrays on the site: ensure that there are enough ashtrays and that they are collected regularly, distribute pocket ashtrays;
    • Install signs to encourage the sorting of waste by using the bins and other collection systems provided for this purpose, in order to avoid any abandonment;
    • Set up a system for recycling waste on site: with suitable collectors (if possible those present on site) and composting of organic waste;
    • Selective sorting and waste recovery: raising staff awareness, incentive signs, equipment and technologies to reduce paper use and recycle paper;
    • Minimisation of packaging: choice of recyclable materials (100% biodegradable and recyclable packaging);
    • Use of PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) certified papers: the papers used come from sustainably managed forests.

Objective 3 : Saving energy resources

The ecological transition presupposes a change of energy model which must allow the transition from fossil and polluting energies to renewable energies. This implies a change in the way we produce and consume energy.

Sourcing renewable energy

    • Using renewable energies: solar panels, renewable electricity supplier, etc. ;
    • Optimising natural energy as much as possible through ventilation and natural lighting.
    • Set up energy-saving systems and equipment
    • Using energy-saving systems for lighting, heating, catering: LEDs, low-energy lamps, more efficient heating, etc. ;
    • Adapting the use of different equipment to their purpose (lighting, heating, etc.) to reduce energy consumption.

Objective 4 : Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Fine particles and greenhouse gases contribute directly to air pollution and climate change. These emissions mainly contribute to temperature increase and ocean acidification; two dramatic phenomena for ocean ecosystems such as corals. By using soft means of transportation, acts in favour of the preservation of the ocean by reducing the carbon footprint caused by transport.

Committing to reviewing modes of transport

    • Give priority to pedestrians, bicycles and/or public transport for home-work journeys;
    • Encourage the use of public transport or carpooling for business trips;
    • Offer teleconferencing to partners and stakeholders.

To download our Eco-responsible, Environmental and Ethical charter, click here.